How African leaders spend our money
The legacy of colonialism is a continent carved up by arbitrary frontiers into 50-odd states. But the WaBenzi are a transcontinental tribe who have been committing grand theft auto on the dusty, potholed roads of Africa ever since they hijacked freedom in the 1960s. After joyriding their way through six Marshall Plans’ worth of aid Africa is poorer today than 25 years ago; and now the WaBenzi want more.
Let us take Zimbabwe, where millions of people are starving, 3,000 die weekly of Aids and life expectancy has fallen to 35 years. In 2005 Britain will give Zimbabwe £30 million in aid, making it one of the three biggest donors. The government will say this money funds emergency relief. Try telling that to the hordes of people whose homes have been burned down and bulldozed in recent weeks. Giving corrupt governments money frees up budgets to squander on cars.
Full article.
I'm glad the British are feeling generous, but I don't think it's going to do the poor people in Zimbabwe much good. You inspired me to look at some data on infant mortality rates, which I do in my latest post.
Douglas, at 2:02 AM
That's what I'm here for - inspiration - inspiration - inspiration!
HeavyHanded, at 9:57 AM
King at the SCSUScholars created a chart which showed that there was very little connection between aid and infant mortality rates
Douglas, at 5:18 PM
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