Absurd Quotes
--Susan Estrich
"George Bush is not as clever as he thinks he is."
"You wouldn't run for the United States Senate or for governor or for anything else without answering people's questions about what you believe. And I think the Supreme Court is no different."
"The President and his Right-wing Supreme Court think it is 'okay' to have the government take your house if they feel like putting a hotel where your house is."
"Now, I know the DLC has taken some shots from some within our party and that it has returned fire too. Well, I think it's high time for a cease-fire, time for all Democrats to work together based on the fundamental values we all share."
--- Hillary
Heavy Handed says now if only they can figure out what those values are. Well, I'll just bet the Democratic Leadership Council can sort things out; and clarify what these values are and what it is that they stand for.... oops, well, maybe not .....
"At a time when Washington remains gripped in partisan warfare based on the Bush administration's narrow and ideologically driven agenda, it's a good time for Democrats to look beyond the Beltway and talk honestly with each other about what we should stand for. That will be the primary purpose of the DLC 2005 National Conversation."
--- Democratic Leadership Council press release describing the group's meeting this past weekend in Columbus, Ohio
This is not a good sign when you need to have a task force to figure out what you believe in.
"You have to respect [Senator Clinton]. This is a first-class professional. And if Bill is 'first spouse,' it'll be one of the great moments."
--- former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Somebody check his temperature, please.... I think he's hallucinating.
Susan Estrich
?????, as is so often the case, I can not decern even the most obscure point from this persons silly utterances.
Maxine Waters
Ah Maxine, your problem is not that George Bush is not as clever as he thinks, it is that George Bush has repeatedly demonstrated he is far more clever than you think
Evan Bayh
I would have thought you attended primary school back when they were still teaching Civics
Howard Dean
A serious point. The thing to understand about trial lawyers such as Howard Dean and John Edwards, is that they conduct their politics as they would a trial defense. That training allows and even encourages them, to say things only for effect toward the benefit of their client without regard for what they may or may not believe themselves. True, they are not allowed to deliberately lie but even the ethical ones can avoid learning inconvenient truths. That is fine and perhaps even noble in providing an accused client with the best possible defence. They do not seem to understand, however, that when they move into politics they are speaking for themselves and should at least pretend that they can believe what they say.
Hillary Clinton
Heavy nailed it, which fundamental beliefs do you now wish us to believe you hold?
Democratic Leadership Council
Shouldn’t that be Democrat Leadership Council? Anyway, is the council saying that an administrations agenda should not be driven by that administrations ideology? Rather like Bill Clintons administration morphing into whatever the latest polling data suggests would be in its best interests at that point in time? As, indeed, the council now suugests the Dems should do in deciding what fundamental values they should claim to hold at this point in time? , (See Hillary Clinton above.)
Newt Gingrich
Newt, you are one of my hero’s but unlike the claims from the Left, we on the Right are not mind numbed robots, totally and only partisan and we do not back up and defend everthing said from our side. (Typically here, the Left accusses the Right of the very transgression the Left commits.) That statement by Newt was as silly as Susan Estrich’s. Further to my point, Bush is spending too much and inexcuseably ignoring border safety. Is there anything about Bill Clinton or Hillary or any Democrat with which the Left would like to acknowledge disagreement?
Anonymous, at 9:51 AM
Too bad teaching Civics went that the way of the abacus.
Their seems to be a parallel between their value system philosophy and their intepretation of the U.S. Constitution, i.e. it is living, breathing, ever-changing, to whatever is convenient and serves your best interest at the moment.
I, too believe Bush spends too much money, and is ignoring the realities of our border situation. He is not above criticism, and I am more than willing to say so.
And, you make a good point with this. Just when does the left criticize "their own?"
HeavyHanded, at 11:17 AM
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