Glorifies 'martyrdom,' recruiting volunteers to target Americans
In the second TV appearance since his election victory, Iranian President-elect Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad spoke in praise of "the art of martyrdom" as volunteers continued to mobilize for suicide squads aimed at U.S., British and Israeli forces.
The day after the appearance, the London Arabic-language daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published a report about the new leader's spiritual advisor, Ayatollah Mohammad Misbach Yazdi, who told Iranians how to volunteer for the regime-sponsored "martyrdom squads," according to the Washington, D.C.-based Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI.
The report mentioned an Iranian women's volunteer group dedicated to carrying out martyrdom operations against U.S., British, and Israeli forces.
The subject of Iranian martyrdom seekers also was the topic of a recent program on Al-Arabiya TV.
In Ahmadi-Nejad's July 25 segment on Iranian Channel 1, he praised martyrdom operations and declared Islam will conquer the world.
Referring to martyrdom, he said, "We want art that is on the offensive. Art on the offensive exalts and defends the noble principles, and attacks principles that are corrupt, vulgar, ungodly, and inhuman."
The president elect declared, "Art reaches perfection when it portrays the best life and best death. After all, art tells you how to live. That is the essence of art. Is there art that is more beautiful, more divine, and more eternal than the art of martyrdom? A nation with martyrdom knows no captivity. Those who wish to undermine this principle undermine the foundations of our independence and national security. They undermine the foundation of our eternity."
Ahmadi-Nejad said, "The message of the [Islamic] revolution is global and is not restricted to a specific place or time. It is a human message, and it will move forward.
"Have no doubt ... Allah willing, Islam will conquer what? It will conquer all the mountain tops of the world."
The spiritual adviser Yazdi called on the Iranian people to volunteer for an Iranian organization of martyrs.
See entire article here.
You would think these people would begin to wonder why their leaders such as Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad don't take their own advise and become suicide bombers themselves.
Guys, leaders who ask you to do what they are not willing to do themselves are not leading, they are pushing. They apparently do not swallow their own hype about the rewards of martyrdom.
Anonymous, at 10:15 AM
Makes you kind of think that these "leaders" don't really believe the promise of the 72 virgins that are waiting for them.
HeavyHanded, at 6:41 PM
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