Shocking Story Out of the Swamp.......
"Senate Democrats want to draw out the confirmation of federal Judge John G. Roberts Jr. to the Supreme Court as long as possible, but they expressed little hope that they can prevent him from reaching the high court."
Who would have ever thought this was going to happen?
So predictable. I wonder why no one in the MSM thought to ask them why? Toward what admirable, ethical, principled, best interests of the good ol'U,S.A. purpose would they want to draw out a fight they expect to lose? It is not as though they are saying 'even though we will probably lose we must, in adherance, to our judicial principles fight as hard as we can to keep this man off of the Supremt Court'. The court is not in session so it can not be that they hope for some favorable ruling on some pending matter before Roberts joins in and makes that less likely. It is just more 'anything Bush wants we oppose' theatrics from the party of Not Bush. That may be all their base wants and needs but is there no one in the Democrat party with one ounce more brains than anger? Some one who realizes that the people chose Bush over them so simply opposing Bush is not an intelligent strategy? Someone who realizes they no longer are and never again will be running against George W. Bush?
They have here an opportunity to display at least the appearance of class and at the same time make the case that they are not just knee-jerk obstructionists, all the while saving their ammunition for some future and more winable battle.
Instead they chose to draw out a losing fight? What, do they think whatever stuff they can through at the fan now will still be flying so they can just reapply it to the next Bush nominee? And they say W is stupid.
Anonymous, at 5:26 PM
MSM doesn't want to know why. They are complicit. It's at that point that I can't discern between the left, the Dems, and the media. They are all one mixed bag.
Can anyone tell me what their platform is? Their main core center piece of their platform is to protect Roe v. Wade. That's it. There is nothing else.
Any other issue is just table scraps to keep certain segments of the base happy.
HeavyHanded, at 5:42 PM
Yes, I have long believed that their platform is simply for Democrats to be in power. They don't much seem to care what happens while they're in power so long as whatever it is keeps them in power. Witness their adoration of Bill Clinton and their complete willingness to site and praise the Republic accomplishments during his administration as his accomplishments. None of them would ever have voted for a candidate to accomplish what they now are pleased to credit him with. I remember in particular Welfare Reform and how Bill promised the Dems he would 'fix' that mistake when he was running for re-election. After being re-elected no more was heard of the issue until it is was needed to site as an accomplishment. Then the Dems were happy to do it. Bill pronounced that the era of big government was over and the Dems roared their approval. And they will accept whatever it now is that Hillary says she believes in if they think it will get her elected. They act more like sports fanatics that concerned citizens. They don't care if 'their team' wins for good offense, good defense, or good special teams, just as long as 'their team' wins.
Anonymous, at 6:48 PM
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