Report: Hospital Staff Executed Patients To Facilitate Hurricane Katrina Staff Evacuation
From disability rights organization Not Dead Yet, a story of murder framed as "compassion". New Orleans Memorial Medical Center staff executed patients by lethal injection to facilitate staff evacuation prior to Hurricane Katrina...
This should be a huge story but I haven't heard much about it in the MSM. Can't anyone figure out how to blame it on Bush?
Anonymous, at 3:14 PM
You would think if they put their minds to it, they should be able to link it to GWB somehow; afterall if you can link the tsunami to Bush through a global warming link (even though it is essentially an earthquake under the ocean)then they should be creative enough to make this connection.
I think it's really a time problem. I feel compelled to remind you, there is only 24 hours in day. This means a limited amount of time to spin stories.
And, turning minds into mush takes time. If you run a story 24/7 for 2 weeks, (example: the Cheney failed attempt at murder)well you you surely can see the problem it presents to the media.
HeavyHanded, at 4:54 PM
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