"Why must the United States let a state-owned firm from a hotbed of radicalism own the major ports of the Eastern seaboard? No one has answered this to our satisfaction. Both sides of the aisle are outraged... The deadlock cinch here is that Dubai Ports World doesn't even have to be a willing collaborator to be a danger to the United States. All other things being equal, an Arabic company is easier for terrorists to penetrate than a British or American firm. In the least nefarious of scenarios, Dubai Ports World might not even know what happened until after some future attack. That would be possible even if the dockworkers are the same and even if most of the local management is exactly the same. There are other frightening scenarios. What happens if the government of the United Arab Emirates backs away from the counterterrorism support President Bush currently lauds it for? The president and the treasury secretary should call this deal off on national security grounds. The United States gains nothing and risks everything by letting Dubai Ports World own these hubs of commerce. Discouragingly, it appears the White House doesn't see it that way."
The Washington Times
I am still on the fence on this one. And I am no expert on this either. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
HeavyHanded, at 3:01 PM
We need to stop paying other people to take care of our borders. No matter it be ports or land crossings, these are our borders and they should be taken care of by Americans with a vested interest in protecting themselves and their country. This has nothing to do with Arab and everything to do with foreign interests.
In a similar vain, we are paying Mexico to watch their own border. What kind of nut case approved this. American dollars flowing in to Mexico via illegal workers is one of Mexico's biggest cash cows. They have no interest in cutting this off. In fact they take every advantage of the situation.
We need to seriously consider what we value as a nation and if we think it is worth protecting. It looks to me like we will sell anything for a buck.
ablur, at 10:14 PM
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