The closing paragraph of an article by some "nutjob" from
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi embodies the Big Lie and the Straussian neocons will continue to "stick to it" because "if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it." Millions of Americans now believe al-Zarqawi is a real person, although there is absolutely no evidence of this. As an invincible force, al-Zarqawi will be used to explain the Iraqi "civil war," now well underway, and the corporate media, ever the slavish lapdog of the government, will keep hammering the message that the ethereal al-Zarqawi is the "number One Enemy of the People," as Emmanuel Goldstein was in Orwell’s 1984.
Entire piece can be read here.
Typical. Left wing wacko's always accuse us of doing exactly what they are or would do were they in our situation. After all, they are good and pure of heart and if they would do it, why you can just imagine what the bad and black-hearted right wing crazies are doing.
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM
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