The Free Market Project has tracked Fannie Mae’s accounting scandal for nearly a year, documenting how news coverage has
downplayed the mortgage fiasco. The media tried tirelessly to link Enron with the Bush administration, but as new Fannie Mae reports come out, they continue to overlook high-ranking officials’ ties to the Clinton administration. Read more about the Fannie Mae scandal
And so it ever shall be.
This is why we now have alternatives to the MSM. It is the free market at work and deliciously ironic that the very concept of which the MSM is both so ignorant and dismissive is currently nibbling at their breakfast and will soon be eating their lunch.
Anonymous, at 7:49 AM
It further occurs to me. Doesn't the MSM understand that news reporting is a living industry that must change to accomodate new situations and attitudes? Or is there some document somewhere expressive of the medias original intent of what the news should be, how it should be delivered and by whom?
Anonymous, at 7:57 AM
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