I must admit that as much as I did not care for these forecasts (after all, I am a caring and sensitive guy), I convinced myself that I could withstand these problematic events. I am not a skier. I am not a hunter. As of yet, I have not journeyed to, nor am I planning on making the trek to the frozen tundra where the penguins and polar bears reside. I have never seen them in their natural habitat, and most likely never will. I don't live on the coasts; I live in middle America ... far from the advancing water lines. No hurricanes here in middle America either.
Tragedies all, for sure. But I was confident that I could suck it up. I can weather the storm, so to speak. But then ... a new story broke on GW. One, I know, I cannot cope with. I have been lying in a fetal position since the story broke. I was able to muster up enough gumption to make my way to the keyboard. I am having thoughts of harikari. It's over. It seems as though we are all doomed. We are all going to be victims of poison ivy.
Frankly i think these global warming chicken littles are out of thier minds
Anonymous, at 2:05 PM
Many are, 'methinks'.
It's all about funding. (Well, maybe not ALL, but mostly about funding; at least from the "expert" scientists perspective.)
The Federal government only "gives" so much money, as grants, for research, although it is not a small amount by any means.
But what it does mean is that global warming research has to compete with AIDS research, bird flu research, and a seemingly endless number of other research programs, for the research funds.
Hence, whomever can become the most successful at propagandizing the "seriousness" of "their problem", will get a lions share of the research money.
So it behooves them to do their "Chicken Little" routine.
Frankly, I am tired of their tripe.
HeavyHanded, at 4:59 PM
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