Top UN Official Defends World BodyParis - The United Nations needed to be reformed, not because it was failing but because its many successes made it worthy of further investment, a senior U.N. official has asserted..."
This is the kind of doublespeak gibberish I expect from the Democratic Party. I suppose one might argue that it all depends on what the meaning of
"is" success is. If you try to fail to succeed, and you do fail, I guess one can call that success. If your goal is to play the shell game with funds donated to the UN and members can line their pockets with riches, I guess one can call that success. If you are trying to run an inexpensive brothel using 11 year old girls from third world countries with little or no overhead, I guess you could call that success. Yep, it is a fine institution.
This is the same bunch who are planning to meet around the 4th of July net month to disarm us all through worthless treaties this is the same world body that consists of terrorist,tyrants,thugs,perverts,rapists,crooks,liars,crinmals, and the like so why should we continue to have anything more to do with this wretched bunch of scoundrels
Anonymous, at 9:12 AM
Why, indeed. I see no point to it.
HeavyHanded, at 10:05 AM
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