Flickering signs
"Despite years of getting a steady diet of 'non-judgmental' attitudes from our educational system and the media, we have not yet lost all sense of right and wrong.Read on...
We have been imposed on so often that it is understandable how some would think that we had reached the point where we would stand for anything."
When someone accuses you of being 'judgemental,' and I have been so accused on more than one occassion, what they are telling you is, "you're too opinionated ...... you don't agree with me ..... so shut the hell up!" - HH.
Thomas Sowell and you are correct H-H. To Liberals, being 'judgemental' is not agreeing with their judgements.
'Moral Relativity' is the means by which Liberals pressume to occupy the moral highground by having declared that there is no such thing.'
Anonymous, at 10:12 AM
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