The "Center Right" Republican majority forged by Reagan and Gingrich has been squandered by Rove's realignment pipe dream that was based on the premise of big government for the sake of power.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The "Center Right" Republican majority forged by Reagan and Gingrich has been squandered by Rove's realignment pipe dream that was based on the premise of big government for the sake of power.
I agree with this but but do not want the role that the MSM played with their knee-jerk support of the Democrats campaign of negativism to be underestimated. Politics involves complicated dynamics and nothing is ever a consequence of any other single thing.
Had the MSM been sincere in its concern for government corruption they would be following through with all of the fodder that Nancy and Harry have provided.
Now they, the Democrats and our own misguided representatives influenced only by the MSMs view of the national mood are trying to 'do something' about the role talk radio plays in free speech, give amnesty to illegal immigrants, raise out taxes, and foster defeat in Iraq and the War on Terrorism.
Speaking of which had the Republicans come into power and failed so completely to do anything substantive regarding the essential point of their campaign as have the Democrats on Iraq might there have been an article or two written about it?
Anonymous, at 9:37 AM
I agree 100% anotmo that the 'ole MSM has been a huge factor in its 24x7 Bush-bashing and the consequential Bush and Republican fallout. No question about it.
On the other hand, I feel that there are many out there, like myself, that could see through this and were able to dismiss this nonsense, but are abandoning or have abandoned Bush because as the column states:
"First and foremost as a concern was that any private public policy disagreement within the family was seen as disloyalty to the administration.
And in fact those who disagreed were summarily shut out, or not granted access to the White House."
I think back to last year when Bush called the Minute Men watching the border "vigilantes."
I think of Rove telling Tom Tancredo he was not welcome at the White House anymore (becasue of his border stance).
I think of Chertoff recently saying that "immigration reform" opponents and amnesty opponents would not be happy with anything short of capital punishment.
This kind of trash talking does not endear his one time supporters to the point where they are ready and willing to rally to his cause.
Just the opposite I would say.
I am extremely disappointed. The signing of the border bill last year was a sham. He had no intention of following through on it.
HeavyHanded, at 10:24 AM
I agree with you agreeing with me. I also agree with your other hand. And I agree, as well, as with your assessment of why so many Conservatives, myself included, are disillusioned with George.
Politics involves complicated dynamics.
One of those complicated dynamics is that the MSM has used the Rights disillusionment with Bush on Conservative principles to foster their own dislike of Bush from a Liberal perspective. Too clever by half.
Anonymous, at 11:03 AM
Clever indeed.
Too bad they:
1. have to be wrong so much of the time
2. have to be so leftward leaning
3. cannot admit their prejudices and expect us to believe they are an objective source of news
4. have become the official communications center for the Democrat party and have forgone their role as reporters of news.
HeavyHanded, at 4:36 PM
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