Political Vultures Circle Over 35W
The terrible collapse of the 35W bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis is another awful day in an American history littered with such horrible events. Other bridges have collapsed, airplanes have crashed and of course the Twin Towers were brought down by savagery. We are always encouraged by the bravery Americans show on such occasions, and the reaction of Minnesota's first responders was no different.
Unfortunately there is also another almost certain follow-on to tragedy--that of the political vultures who sweep in and try and score points, this time before even the missing were accounted for. Incredibly, on the day after the bridge's collapse, many Democrats were blaming the Bush Administration for a failure to appropriate enough money to protect the span--even though there was a million dollar repair project underway on the day of the collapse.
Shame on politicians who exploit tragedy for political advantage. It is indecent, and it should stop.
Our newest Senator, DFL'er Amy Klobuchar, wasted no time in making it political. She is a fast learner, I guess. It is so disgusting and disheartening when a tradgedy hits so close to home and then you have to put with this crap - the politics of it. For God's sake, we need adults in office, not spoiled adolescents. --HH
Are the adults the ones who opposed the gas tax before the collapse but support it now that people have died?
Ed Kohler, at 11:34 AM
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