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"God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world
without the United States and Zionism." -- Iran President Ahmadi-Nejad
Liberty Versus Socialism
By Walter E. WilliamsA fortnight ago, I wrote about Mississippi Legislature House Bill 282 that would have imposed fines or revoked licenses of food establishments that served obese people. Fortunately, the measure died in committee. State Rep. Ted Mayhall, one of the bill's sponsors, justified it by saying that he wanted to bring attention to the fact that "Obesity makes people more susceptible to diabetes, which puts a further strain on the state's financially-challenged Medicaid program."
His sentiments were expressed by quite a few readers who didn't necessarily support such a measure but opined that if a particular behavior or lifestyle imposed costs on others through tax-supported health care, the government had a right to intercede.
Similar justification was used for laws requiring....
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We have removed responsibility from the doer in almost every arena. Victomhood and the burden of society to care for these poor souls is tearing away every liberty we have.
Freedom will soon be just another word in the dictionary.
Anonymous, at 4:20 PM
Most Americans I believe, both on the right and left, simply wish to be left alone by the government.
The big difference between the two groups is the "doers" and the "do-notters."
The "doers," the conservatives for example, are not asking the government for other people's resources, i.e, money, time, or attention.
On the contrary; they want to be free to own a gun, pray, home school their children, invest their
money, and control their own destiny.
Our opposition is the "do-notters." They don't want the government telling them how to run their lives either, but they want the government telling others how to run their lives. They want the government involved in their lives only to the extent that they get taken care of, get their handouts, get their "fair share" of everyone else's riches and hard work; and then to left alone.
They are the "do nothing takers."
They are the heart and soul of the tax-and-spend left.
They do nothing or next to little. They paint themselves to be "victims."
They do not believe that laws or morals apply to them and look at government as the one to "level the playing field."
This country is much richer obviously today then in the 1950's, but we are more liberal and socialistic than in the 50's.
I only see that this slow march will continue.
And yes, in the process, our liberty and freedom will be torn away from us.
True and complete freedom only comes from a democracy AND a free market system embracing capitalism.
Socialism, by definition, is incapable of providing this.
And sadly, while we are becoming richer, we are becoming more populous, and we are accumulating too many "victims" and "do-notters."
HeavyHanded, at 9:52 AM
That there is a rant that you should place on your main page. Well worded and well thought out.
I would love to post that in a couple of places.
Anonymous, at 4:04 PM
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