‘Congress Needs to Do More’ About Oil and Food Prices, Bush SaysThe president does not make law, does not write legislation, and does not put together spending bills. Bush can sign it or veto it. The Dems are in control of both houses. Do something. Do something good. Do something positive. If it's good, he'll sign it.
( - President Bush, admitting that “these are tough times,” laid some of the blame for higher gasoline and food prices right at the doorstep of Congress on Tuesday. Members of Congress want foreign countries to boost their oil production, but they won’t allow the U.S. to boost its own production, President Bush said at a White House news conference.
But we know the Dems won't do anything to increase oil production, or make us less dependent on foreign sources of energy.
While energy conservation is good policy, it does not increase production, nor decrease costs. In the grand scheme of things, looking at the global picture, whatever (little) we save through conservation, will not put a dent in the supply that is needed on a global level; and the savings from conservation will be quickly gobbled up by the increased demands of other rapidly growing economies.
We need to drill. We need to refine more at home. We need to use more nuclear energy. We need to scale back on our ludicrous ethanol policy. And, we need to continue research on alternate energy.
From the Soviet Union to Putin’s Russia
By Alan Caruba
Unless Americans begin to understand the geopolitics of energy—and soon—a lifestyle we have taken for granted is going to be severely impacted…
What is so obvious to so many has completely escaped the democrats in power.
Build more refineries and drill for oil.
Anonymous, at 11:48 AM
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