Will closet racism derail Obama?
Two decades ago, Douglas Wilder watched as a 9% lead in the polls in the race to be Virginia's governor slipped to just one-tenth of 1% when the ballots were counted.
He still won the election - becoming the first African-American to be elected a US state governor - but the narrowness of his victory led analysts to speculate that he had been a victim of a white hesitancy to vote for a black man.
The theory goes that some white voters tell opinion pollsters they will vote for a black candidate - but then, in the privacy of the polling booth, put their cross against a white candidate's name. [read more]
It is not racism as much as it is afraid of being labeled a racist. For those who are true racists, and there are some to be sure, they would have no problem telling a pollster that they are voting for (in this case) McCain.
But there are a lot of people who will be voting for McCain for a number of good (in their opinion) reasons but are afraid of being called racists so they tell the pollster one thing and vote differently. This is not racism.
Racism is the word used to tear down and hurt others. The user cares not about your reason or your intent only destroying you and your way of thinking.
Anonymous, at 10:22 PM
Amen, bro'.
HeavyHanded, at 9:53 AM
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