By Alan Caruba
We are well into a major recession, and I think most people are betting on the stupidity and cupidity of our nation’s leaders, elected and appointed, to ensure that it happens.
Idiots and liars running our government have managed to plunge Americans into the onset of a Recession that could turn into a full-fledged Depression. And it just gets worse because all the failed policies of the Roosevelt era are being touted as the answer to our present debacle. [More]
Our educational system fails to teach many of the lessons of history. Currently, we will take the path of Roosevelt and plunge our nation into a full depression. We may be able to overcome it more quickly given the size and global Independence of our economy but the lesson will go unlearned again. We are doomed to repeat it.
We may be so doomed as to not be able to repeat it.
I hope America can withstand the coming presidency.
Anonymous, at 5:41 PM
I share your sentiments. Oh, physically, we will survive this presidency.
But, I fear we are at the the precipice of "the point of no return."
With a liberal Congress in his corner, he can do an awful lot of damage - some of which will be almost impossible to undo; entitlements for example, almost never go away.
I have strong fears of what is to come.
HeavyHanded, at 6:06 PM
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