by Rep. John Carter
Monday night Democrats voted to shut down the U.S. House Representatives rather than allow a handful of Republican Congressmen to speak on the floor. What could have been so offensive or frightening about our discourse that Speaker Pelosi felt she had to protect her party by gagging free speech in the House?
In fact, we had planned to speak on the lack of transparency of the House since Democrats took control. We had planned to criticize Speaker Pelosi for repeatedly denying Members, the media, and the public to right to read legislation before it was voted on. We were set to discuss House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s statement last week that if his Members were required to read the Democrats’ healthcare reform package before it was voted on, it would fail.
So the Speaker obviously feels that if the public is truly aware of her party’s agenda, they will reject it. She is now making sure....
This should be reported in the media as an obstruction of justice.
Unknown, at 7:25 PM
Yes, it should be....
the media is just so derelict in their duty to report the news fairly and in a non-political fashion that it would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
Competent journalism is dead.
HeavyHanded, at 9:06 PM
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