"In Connecticut's
Kelo v. City of New London case, the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, supported the city's use of eminent domain to force a private property owner to sell to a private developer. ... Governments historically use eminent domain to acquire private property for 'public use,' defined as a road, bridge or a school. Here, the city bluntly acknowledges its goal -- a higher tax base. ... How often does government take private land for private purposes? Most Americans, no doubt, assume that this rarely happens. But according to the Institute for Justice, it occurs far more often than we think. From 1998 to 2002, government, at all levels, used eminent domain to acquire, or attempt to acquire, private property for private purposes on over 10,000 occasions." --Larry Elder
What gets to me on this one is that the Supreme Court first re-interprets 'Public Use' to mean 'Public Benefit' Bad enough. But then they equate increasing the goverenments tax revenue to 'public benefit'. Who says? The tax revenue comes from the public. So the Supreme Court has effectively declared it is always in the publics best interests for them to give their money to the government! That is socialism, pure and simple.
Anonymous, at 2:09 PM
Yes. Yes, indeed. Well said. BUT....... let's not forgot that it's George Bush's fault and HIS right wing Supreme Court.
HeavyHanded, at 2:38 PM
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