Judge Roberts...........
"We don't know much about Roberts' political ideology, but we do know that his career has been built on membership in increasingly elitist institutions that include few women and Latinos or other ethnic minorities... Had these 'extraordinary' credentials set the standard for judicial nominations in 1982, Sandra Day O'Connor would never have been appointed. She never clerked. She never worked for a president. She never served as a federal judge"Probably without realizing it, Prof. Hill, in a backwards way, is saying Judge Roberts is more qualified now than O'Connor was at the time because of his "extraordinary credentials." Even if she was being a bit sarcastic, she adequately laid out Justice O' Connors lack of experience when compared to Judge Roberts.
The implication here is pretty clear. Justice O"Connor was able and qualified to serve even though she "never clerked", or lawyered for an administration, and "never served as a federal judge."
But, wait. Little Chuckie Schumer says,
"There's no question that Judge Roberts has outstanding legal credentials and an appropriate legal temperament and demeanor. But his actual judicial record is limited to only two years on the D.C. Circuit Court. For the rest of his career, he has been arguing cases an as able lawyer for others, leaving many of his personal views unknown. For these reasons, it is vital that Judge Roberts answer a wide range of questions openly, honestly and fully in the coming months. His views will affect a generation of Americans, and it his obligation during the nomination process to let the American people know those views. The burden is on a nominee to the Supreme Court to prove that he is worthy, not on the Senate to prove that he is unworthy. ... I hope Judge Roberts, understanding how important this nomination is -- particularly when replacing a swing vote on the court -- will decide to answer questions about his views. Now that he is nominated for a position where he can overturn precedent and make law, it is even more important that he fully answers a broad range of questions."So, once again, the left wants it both ways. Apparently, no federal court experience is not a problem, but two years is too little.
Chuckie Schumer opines that "the burden is on a nominee to the Supreme Court to prove that he is worthy, not on the Senate to prove that he is unworthy." If this is so, why then do the Dems go "digging for dirt"? Why do they demand papers that have legal protection because of separation of powers? They, after all, are looking for things "to prove that he is unworthy".
The only negatives to this point is that Roberts is white, male, Catholic, appointed by Bush, and not a liberal.
Also, shouldn't someone remind Sen. Schumer that the role of the courts is not to "make law"? Sen. Schumer also seems to be making the point that not all nominations should be subject to the same scrutiny. Some can get a pass and some will be grilled. It is because this nomination is a swing vote in his mind, and therefore deserves intense examination.
When Schumer was reminded of Ginsberg's refusal to answer questions on her views when she was up for nomination, and yet still breezed through the nomination process, Schumer replied, "It was a different time then."
Chuckie, you fool no one with this childish bafoonery. Well, except for the New Yorkers that keep sending you back to the Senate, that is.
Good points all, Heavy.
They just stand there with their bare partisanship hanging out for all to see, don’t they, taking any side of any argument at any time that allows them to oppose anything Bush says or does or expresses and with no regard for consistency. What?, me worry? Who is going to call them on it? Only the vast right-wing conspiracy of bloggers, Fox cable news and talk radio. Certainly not the ‘legitimate’ media.
Anita Hill, the voice of the Left? But, mind you, her objection to Clarence Thomas was devoid of any political agenda and rested solely on his real sexual harassment of her.
Anonymous, at 8:09 AM
Consistency? Hell, they don't know the meaning of the word.
1. A harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts.
2. Logical coherence and accordance with the facts.
3. (logic) an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible from the axioms contradict one another.
You see anonymous, we are expecting too much from them if we are looking to them to show consistency.
I will however grant them one area where they show "a harmonious uniformity" ....... get Bush.
HeavyHanded, at 9:34 AM
Yes, quite so.
BTW, despite the similarity in spelling, anotmo does not stand for anonymous. It is simply A Name Other Than My Own that I use as a handle. True, it does provide anonymity but privacy is the goal.
I can be contacted at anotmo@Netscape.net and will gladly share ny identity should it please me to do so.
Anonymous, at 9:47 AM
Thanks for the clarification on your handle, I didn't pick up on the slight difference in the abbreviated spelling.
I am curious at this point, not so much about your "true identity", but without going into any detail whatsoever, can you tell me if you blog and a general area of your residency?
HeavyHanded, at 10:05 AM
Sure, I don't have a blog and I reside in Connecticut.
I don't know exactly how I came upon your blog. I do recall that someone on or associated with NRO referenced and recommended an acquaintances new blog. Later, I found your URL saved in my favorites, Don't know if the two a
Anonymous, at 10:24 AM
Sure, I don't have a blog and I now reside in Connecticut. My formative years were spent in Michigan so do not be too surprised, or encouraged for that matter, to hear Midwestern value coming out of the Northeast
I have been trying to reconstruct exactly how I came upon your blog. I recall that someone on, associated with or linked to by NRO referenced and recommended an acquaintances new blog. Later, I found your URL saved in my favorites, Don't know if the two are related.
Anonymous, at 11:43 AM
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