You are all to blame.............
Twisted Bakri, 45, pinned responsibility for the al-Qaeda Tube and bus bombings on voters who re-elected the Prime Minister last May.
He said yesterday: “I blame the British government and I blame the British people. The British people did not make enough effort to stop its government committing atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Syrian-born Bakri’s rant came as The Sun found a taped message in which he called on followers to “sacrifice their lives” and turn Britain into an Islamic state.
Full article at The Sun Online.
Other than westerners being westerners in the west, exactly who did what to whom to 'cause' yesterdays attack in Egypt Mr. Bakri? What nonsense. Of course this page comes right out of the Lefts handbook here in the U.S. which holds that we are individually responsible for nothing but collectively to blame for everything.
Anonymous, at 8:55 AM
The ol' handbook of the left is well used isn't it? Not particularily complicated....but well used.
HeavyHanded, at 9:41 AM
Ah, yes it is and that despite the internet, cable TV and talk radio removing the monopoly of the MSM on which it so depends and rendering the playbook ineffective. But then, the Left never were ones to abandon a policy just because it didn't work were they?
Anonymous, at 7:06 PM
No. It kind of reminds me of several years back When the Minnesota Vikings had a rather stale offense, but yet they stayed with it.
It was up the middle, up the middle, pass, punt.
HeavyHanded, at 9:08 PM
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HeavyHanded, at 9:09 PM
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