(CNSNews.com) – Islamism is the new totalitarianism, said British author Salman Rushdie and a group of other writers and intellectuals, in a declaration published Wednesday. “Like all totalitarianisms, Islamism is nurtured by fears and frustrations,” the document says...
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
(CNSNews.com) – Islamism is the new totalitarianism, said British author Salman Rushdie and a group of other writers and intellectuals, in a declaration published Wednesday. “Like all totalitarianisms, Islamism is nurtured by fears and frustrations,” the document says...
About time; we need more of this.
When will we learn that evil totalitarian regimes are not so because of the content of their ideology? They are so because of a critical mass combination of righteousness about their cause sufficient to justify the means they choose to employ and enough power to execute those means.
Liberals are quick to condemn Fascism and Hitler because they are convinced Fascism was evil. To them Hitler was evil because he was a Fascist. On the other hand, they have never quite been able to bring themselves to condemn Stalin because in their minds that would then mean that Communism was evil. This despite Stalin having killed far more Soviet dissidents than Hitler killed Jews.
Neither is so. Communism is inherently wrong but it is not inherently evil. It is inherently wrong because it requires that people act contrary to the way they evolved to act. People act in what they believe to be their own best interests. They do not act as effectively toward the common interests of all. That is what is inherently wrong with Communism and why it will never work. It is not, as the Left believes, a matter of improper execution each and every time it is tried. The evil was born of fanatical belief in the ideology and the consequential determination and power to attempt to force that ideology to succeed despite its inherent failings.
The Nazis did not understand themselves to be evil. They believed they were saving Europe. They believed that so completely that they justified bringing to bear their tremendous power to commit all manner of atrocities toward their righteous goal.
Similarly Islam. No one is accusing it of being inherently evil, the Lefts sanctimonious accusations to the contrary not withstanding. But there are those within its ranks whose fanatically righteous beliefs combined with the power that attends a willingness, even a desire, to die for one’s cause leads them to commit all sorts of evil acts.
I do not expect the Left to understand or accept this. To do so would then require that they look at their own self-righteousness and the acts they have been increasingly willing to commit on its behalf.
Anonymous, at 9:04 AM
Tell the truth and shame the devil!
I have commentary on this at MOBANGE!
Douglas, at 12:49 PM
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