Airline terrorists were days away from massacre at 30,000 feet
* Airports across the UK on alert as terror strike looks to have been foiled
* Nine aircraft may have been targeted for destruction
* Twenty-four arrested in raids, including recent convert to Islam
'We are confident that we have disrupted a plan by terrorists to cause untold death and destruction and commit mass murder,' he said. Put simply, this was a plot to commit mass murder on an unimaginable scale.' - Stephenson, deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police
Story in full.
I watched Hannity & Colmes last night and, in response to Alan Colmes ‘reasoning’ inherent in his questions to Newt Gringrich am, like Charlie Brown trying to kick a football held by Lucy, driven to respond ‘I can’t stand it!’
The condescending and unctuous Alan’s question to Newt was along the lines of ‘Mr. Speaker’ doesn’t this, (yesterdays foiling of the Terrorists plot at Heathrow Airport), disprove President Bush’s whole rational that we are fighting them in Iraq so that we do not have to fight them here. Doesn’t this disprove that whole notion?’
Newt’s ‘proportionate’ response was good, as always, as he reminded Alan that we are fighting World War III and must, therefore, do so throughout, well…, the world, but one wishes that occasionally we would respond ‘disproportionately to such sophomoric attacks from these self-styled ‘intellectuals’ with an attack of our own. ‘Alan’, such a response might have gone, ‘doesn’t this, (yesterdays foiling of the Terrorists plot at Heathrow Airport), prove that President Bush is doing a good job of protecting us from terrorist attacks?’ Now, I know that this is a far less nuanced evaluation of events than was Alan’s self-serving reach for negativity but the Terrorists attempt was, after all, foiled. Certainly, had it not been, Alan would then have refocused his attention on the outcome rather than the attempt as proof that President Bush was doing a poor job of protecting us from Terrorist attacks. How can the President be doing a poor job if an attack succeeds and be doing a poor job if an attacked is stopped? More correctly, why should we take seriously the sincerity of anyone who would come to such mutually exclusive conclusions?
It is reminiscent of the joke that had the Pope and President Bush out fishing. The Popes hat flies off in the wind and lands in the water out of reach. President Bush stands up, walks on the water and retrieves the Popes hat. The next days headline in the New York Times read ‘BUSH CAN’T SWIM!’
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM
The liberals are a mystery to me, as is Alan Colmes. He actually believes this stuff. I thought maybe he was a liberal but that he overplayed his position, you know for rating purposes, etc.
But Hannity was asked recently about Colmes' views and Hannity said he actually believes this way.
In a fairly recent exchange between Gingrich and Colmes, Newt was flabbergasted at a comment and question of Alan's, and after a couple of seconds of silence and then stammering, Newt said, "Alan, you don't really believe that do you?"
I had to laugh. Newt was just so perplexed at the idiocy of it. It was classical.
It does boil down to emotion. That's what defines a liberal. Dennis Pragr had a great segment on this recently.
HeavyHanded, at 9:35 AM
Yes, I will have to look up that article by Dennis Prager. You are correct, with Liberals it is all about emotion. They leap to an emotional conclusion and then backfill with whatever 'logic' they can contrive to justify their emotional response. In the end, it is not so much the social justice they pressume to seek as it is their own image of themselves as thoughtful, caring people that is their goal.
Anonymous, at 10:24 AM
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