Democrats Refuse to Talk about Tax Hikes on CNBC
By Amy Menefee
Business & Media Institute
As CNBC’s Melissa Francis explained, Democrats want to raise your taxes – but they don’t want to tell you about it.
“President Bush’s tax cuts expire in 2010, and if the Democrats get their way, America’s taxes will jump more than $2.1 trillion over the next 10 years.” More...
Perhaps the Democrats are too busy formulating their plan for Iraq?
What should be expected of a party that gets voted into power during the most important issue of our times, terrorism, without ever having to articulate their plan for it much less the likely consequences of that plan.
So, the Democrats have no plan for the economy except to allow Bush's successful tax cut plan to expire.
They have no plan for Iraq except insuring it becomes a Bush failure.
They have no plan for terrorism because there really is no terrorism problem.
They have no plan for Social Security because as long as the Republicans have such a plan there is no Social Security problem.
They have no plan for energy except for us, (not Al Core, John Edwards, Hollywood celebrities, et al), to use less of it and to ‘take’ the oil companies obscene 10% windfall profit and add it to the perfectly reasonable 17% the government already takes from oil company sales.
They have no plan for the ecology except to remove from it the hand of man.
The only plan the Democrats do have is to retake the White House in 2008 although toward what purpose remains unclear.
They call this 'progressive'.
Anonymous, at 8:04 AM
Well, I disagree, Anotmo. Imagine that!!
The Dems not only have a plan for Iraq ... they have about 50 of them! Almost one from each Senator.
Get out of Iraq today, tomorrow, yesterday, redeploy, scale back, withdraw from the cities, observe only (even during ethnic cleansing should it start taking place), only guard the borders, send the troops to Afghanistan, send them to Okinawa, send them to Darfur, send them anywhere (just get the hell out of Iraq), etc, etc, etc.
They have a plan for the economy .. cripple it. Take down WalMart, BIG pharmaceutical, BIG oil, drive down wages through mass illegal immigration, spur unemployment through mass illegal immigration, tax us to death both individually and corporately to save the planet.
They have lots of ideas Anotmo. And their biggest plan of all for us is to save us from ourselves through socialism.
HeavyHanded, at 8:40 AM
I take your point H-H, although ultimate goals are different from specific plans. It is hard to announce and defend a plan toward a goal that one is looth to admit to.
Anonymous, at 8:54 AM
HeavyHanded, at 9:03 AM
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