"The other evening, while awaiting my table in a local restaurant, I overheard a Republican and Democrat agreeing with one another about the elimination of the Electoral College. It’s one area where many Liberals and some uninformed Republicans can reach common ground – a public swimming pool, if you will, where diverse political philosophies can frolic ephemerally together in peace and harmony."
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The American Thinker
I expect that there is no subject so revealing of the profound ignorance of most American citizens regarding our system of government as is this constant agitation for the elimination of the Electoral College. They seem to regard it as some antiquated elitest cabal subverting the more enlightened will of the people as expressed by their popular vote. In fact, the opposite is true. Election by popular vote was a well known device to The Founders and the Electoral College was their enlightened response to its shortcoming; the tyranny of the majority.
Of course, with Liberals, it is never philosophy but pure pragmitism by which ther are motivated. They ignored Borks point during his confirmation hearings that ‘judicial activism’ was wrong and a double edged sword that could come back to bite them, as in the Dred Scott decision. To them, it is right because it currently works in their favor, unlike the cumbersome Legislative process where the people had too much enfluence over congress to inact their liberal views. In the case of the Electoral College vs popular vote, the Electoral College is wrong because Al Gore didn’t get to be president. Never mind that they argue the will of the people in the latter and subvert it in the former.
They pick and choose their 'philosophical' points as needed to promote their agenda. I guess that is the freedom with which they endow themselves via 'moral relativity' without any requirement for consistancy
Anonymous, at 1:37 PM
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