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Heavy-Handed Politics

"€œGod willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world
without the United States and Zionism."€ -- Iran President Ahmadi-Nejad

Friday, August 19, 2005

Midwives to Nuclear Terror

Europe and the U.N. are no match for Iran -- hence why we're likely to go it alone.

France, Germany, and England have spent two years trying to talk the Iranian terrorist regime out of its nuclear weapons program.


Last week the negotiations reached their inevitable and comprehensive failure when Iran announced the resumption of uranium processing at its Isfahan nuclear facility. The EUnuchs' reaction was consistent with their strategy. They reneged on their promise to demand that the UN's embalmed nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, pass a resolution reporting Iran's violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to the UN Security Council for consideration of sanctions. To understand why they didn't we must listen to Hosein Mosavian, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator. In an interview last week he said that Iran had already maneuvered the EUnuchs into a promise to block any effective UN action against the birth of nuclear terrorism.

In an interview with Iran Television, Mosavian revealed that the EU-3 have committed an act of appeasement that, by comparison, renders Neville Chamberlain's 1938 Munich agreement with Hitler a masterful act of statesmanship. Mosavian said, "During these two years of negotiations, we managed to make far greater progress than North Korea. North Korea's most important achievement had to do with security guarantees. We achieved the same thing a year ago in the negotiations with the Europeans. They agreed to give us international guarantees for Iran's security, its national rule, its independence, [and] non-intervention in its internal affairs, [as well as] its national security, and for not invading it." There is no denial of Mosavian's assertion from the EUnuchs. Silence is an horrific proof.

The enormity of the EUnuchs' action cannot be overstated. They have unilaterally given Iran more than the North Koreans have always demanded and never received: a guarantee against military and UN diplomatic action to stop their nuclear weapons program. Their concession to Tehran is a de facto agreement to enable the world's principal terrorist nation to reshape not only the Middle East, but the entire world. If Iran becomes a nuclear power, it will -- as its one-time leader, Rafsanjani, advocated -- use those weapons on Israel. It will threaten to use them against American forces deployed anywhere in the Middle East, and be able to deter American military action against it and its terrorist proxies. It will hold Europe in thrall to its nuclear threat, and arm its terrorist proxies with those weapons to attack any nation that opposes them. The world will be safe for Islamic terrorism -- and for nothing else -- if Iran obtains nuclear weapons.

Europeans blame all the world's ills on American unilateral action, but when they act unilaterally to protect the world's most dangerous regime, it's not for us, says Germany's Schroeder, to dissent. President Bush said that force remained an option against Iran, but only as a last resort. Schroeder's retort was, at least, succinct: "Let's take the military option off the table. We have seen it doesn't work." In fact, Germany and its two partners have agreed with Iran that the military option is already off the table. In so doing, they have preemptively destroyed the minuscule chance that anything could have been done at the UN to block effectively Iran's violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The Iranians have played Europe like a ten-ounce trout hooked to a twenty-pound test line. Whatever direction the Iranian line pulled, the EUnuch fish was dragged along. Not that the UN would do anything but talk even if the Iran nuclear program were brought before it. But now -- with two of the Security Council's veto-holding members in agreement against interference with Iran's "internal affairs [and] national security" -- the UN option is off the table. Worse by far, the EUnuchs' concessions leave us without the option of an international coalition based on the NATO nations that might be able to pressure Iran effectively without resort to military action. What's left? Nothing, except to stand alone against Iran. Which the President must begin doing without delay.


Because the EUnuchs have already given up all others, the military option the President mentioned is all we have left. It is essential to understand what this option is, and what it isn't. There is no invasion option. Even if our forces weren't stretched too far in Iraq, we haven't either the ability or the necessity of mounting a ground invasion of Iran. But there are three other parts to the military option.


Opponents of air strikes and other military action say that if we attack Iran, it will unleash every terrorist it employs against us, and more Americans will die. But the choice they pose, between inaction and terrorism is a false one. The choice is between action now, and nuclear terrorism later. It is false to say that the ends never justify the means. FULL ARTICLE


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