Saturday, October 07, 2006
More fearful kowtowing to the religion of peace
"A London gallery has decided not to show some works of art because it fears they would upset Muslims, a curator said on Friday, a week after a German opera house canned a Mozart production for the same reason.
The director of Britain's Whitechapel Art Gallery decided to remove works by surrealist artist Hans Bellmer from an exhibition the day before it was due to open, one of the museum's curators, Agnes de la Beaumelle, told Reuters.
'The motive was simply to not shock the population of the Whitechapel neighbourhood, which is partly Muslim,' she said."
Oh, oh. Here we go again.
Danish TV Shows Cartoons Mocking Prophet Mohammad: "COPENHAGEN -- Danish state TV on Friday aired amateur video footage showing young members of the anti-immigrant Danish Peoples' party engaged in a competition to draw humiliating cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.
The video images have surfaced little more than a year after a Danish paper published cartoons of the Prophet that sparked violent protests worldwide."
Democrats' Hypocrisy Over Foley Matter
Well, we have far worse distractions now being promoted by Democrats about far less important matters and during far more dangerous times."
Red ink threatens voice of French left
Maybe George Soros and Francois Kerry can come to their financial rescue. Oh that's right, Francois has no money (to speak of) of his own. Check that. Maybe George Soros and Theresa Heinz (Kerry) can bail them out.
Schwarzenegger: 'Assimilate' Into U.S. Culture
Recalling his own experience emigrating from his native Austria, the Republican governor said Thursday that immigrants should learn English and U.S. history and 'make an effort to become part of America.' "
Hezbollah ally seeks Saudi help in calming Lebanon tensions
BEIRUT - Lebanese parliament speaker Nabih Berri, a key Shia ally of Hezbollah, was due in Saudi Arabia on Saturday to seek the Sunni-led kingdom's help in ..."
Friday, October 06, 2006
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Warns of Entitlement Collapse
Who wouldn't want to fix social security?
This is the biggest reason President Bush could not get the entitlement reform needed to put it on sounder footing.
Bush just signed the annual homeland-security spending bill. This bill will provide for the installation of 700 miles of fences along the U.S.-Mexico border and will provide for an increase in the number of Border Patrol officers to 14,800, while also expanding detainment facilities for illegal aliens. This has gone largely uncovered by the media. They are too busy with other things right now.
The Dems mostly were opposed to the fence amendment signed by the Pres. Bush. But that's not all. They stood in the way of renewing the Patriot Act last year, stood in the way of enacting legislation for terrorist surveillance, and, let's not forget, were opposed to having military tribunals where we could interrogate and try terrorist suspects. All they have to offer is, "We need to do it "smarter and better." Oh, yippee.
"If there’s anyone who still believes that the campaign-finance law is doing any good at reducing the impact of money in politics, consider the following examples. Deborah Pryce (OH), the fourth ranking Republican in the House, was hit by a million-dollar negative ad blitz this summer that originated not from her opponent, but from an unholy trinity of trial lawyers, union leaders and The Maryland Fund, a 527 of national Democrat supporters, launched a media blitz against Governor Robert Ehrlich’s re-election. The AFL-CIO, which seems to be more interested in politics than labor issues, is spending $40 million on a get-out-the-vote effort targeted to boost Demo fortunes across the country, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce plans to spend $20 million to help federal candidates.
Independent groups with political agendas are dumping so much money into tight congressional races this year that it has in some cases eclipsed candidate spending. Organizations on the left and the right have spent a total of $34 million in campaign money in 2006. This is double what was spent in 2002, when soft-money contributions to the political parties were banned, and there are still four weeks to go before Election Day. The real tragedy here is that outside groups with narrow interests are affecting races in areas of the country where their agendas do not mesh with constituent concerns. 527s, unions and rich political gadflies are dictating an agenda to voters whose broader concerns in their district are not being addressed. This is not a case for further tinkering with existing campaign-finance laws, but a case for scrapping them altogether."
From The Patriot Post
Tortured screams ring out as Iraqis take over Abu Ghraib
"The notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad is at the centre of fresh abuse allegations just a week after it was handed over to Iraqi authorities, with claims that inmates are being tortured by their new captors." Read more.
How can this be? I wonder what Teddy "the Bloviator" Kennedy thinks about this story. The "swimmer" said this back in 2004:
"On March 19, 2004, President Bush asked, 'Who would prefer that Saddam's torture chambers still be open?' Shamefully, we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management: U.S. management."
Now the prisoners want U.S. guards back. It does not get any better than this, does it?
Back in 2004, the Abu Ghraib "scandal" prompted many Democrat lawmakers to call for the resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. So how long will it be for them to again call for his resignation for turning the prison over to the Iraqis, knowing that the prisoners would be tortured by their new Iraqi guards? Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Dem-Run Congress Could 'Help Destroy Economy,' Analyst Says
Lebanon's combustible mix
Who lost Nicaragua?
"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- During the 1980 presidential campaign, Republicans pointed out that Jimmy Carter had 'lost Nicaragua' to communism. The 1979 Sandinista 'Revolution Without Frontiers' led by Daniel Ortega was just one of many foreign policy disasters during the Carter administration -- and Ronald Reagan assured Americans that such things wouldn't happen on his 'watch.' Unfortunately, Reagan is gone, and today Nicaragua looks like a case of 'back to the future.'
On Nov. 5 -- just two days before our own mid-term congressional elections -- the people of Nicaragua will cast ballots for a new president. Friends of democracy in Latin America have been stunned by new polls showing that Ortega -- the ardent Marxist who once ruled Managua with a Soviet-backed iron fist -- is again poised to take control of government, a decade and a half after U.S.-backed freedom fighters succeeded in ousting him from power. If he wins, Ortega will have key regional allies -- men who, by themselves, present no immediate threat to our security but who, together, could create problems aplenty for the United States and its democratic Latin American allies."
Ollie points out that his (Ortega) backers have learned how to use the democratic process, i.e. elections, for their gain. In like manner, we have Hugo Chavez, seeped in dollars from Venezuelan oil production, spreading his anti-American rhetoric with the approval of his Cuban buddy Castro. Then we have Evo Morales, president of Bolivia, who, after spending just two months in office following his election, had their constitution rewritten in order to give himself authoritarian powers. We also have a big lefty in Ecuador, Rafael Correa running for president, and is apparently the front runnner for their upcoming October 15th elections. If he wins, he has promised to "re-found" the nation, patterning itself after Bolivia and Venezuela.
Why do I bring this up? Isn't democracy supposed to be good? Well, yes, it can be. But it doesn't guarantee anything. It reminds me of the quote I posted back in the middle of August:
"Not all democracies are created equal. The customs and traditions of a society matter as much as its mode of government. It may be true that all people yearn for freedom, but history shows that some people yearn for the freedom to go forth and kill their neighbors... In other words, democracy isn't bulletproof. Instances of disastrous democracy extend back to ancient times. Athens voted to attack Syracuse. It was a grinding, terrible defeat that spelled the beginning of the end for Athens in the Peloponnesian War. And, to leap to the 20th century, let's remember that the Germans voted the Nazi Party into power; we all know how that turned out."
— by Jonathan Last
Ollie North goes on to say, "Like Adolf Hitler, the anti-American leftists in Latin America are using elections -- not revolutions or military coups -- to take and then solidify power. It's a tactic that seems to have escaped the striped-pants set in our State Department. Until this week's visit to the region by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the State Department's response to the threatening leftward turn to our south -- and a Sandinista return to power -- has been both flat-footed and tone deaf."
The question I have been pondering for awhile, and I guess it is really a chicken or the egg question, "What comes first? Democracy (through fair elections) or societal transformation?" My current belief is the latter and I think the developments in Central America supports my current position.
Read the rest of Oliver North's column here.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Anger in Holland over 'apartheid' Islamic hospital
"Plans for a Muslim-only hospital in Holland have sparked a heated debate over its separate all-male and all-female wings, halal food and roster of duty imams.
A populist Right-wing party described the plan for the clinic in south Rotterdam as 'a step backwards to the Middle Ages'.
There will be segregation between the sexes, with male patients treated by an exclusively male nursing and medical staff and similar arrangements for females.
Holland's once proud multi-cultural model, which promoted tolerance of a rapidly growing immigrant population, has been sharply questioned in recent years, especially after the murder of the film-maker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic radical." Continue.
Muslims are waging civil war against us, claims police union
"Radical Muslims in France's housing estates are waging an undeclared 'intifada' against the police, with violent clashes injuring an average of 14 officers each day."
"It said the situation was so grave that it had asked the government to provide police with armoured cars to protect officers in the estates, which are becoming no-go zones."
"Mayors in the worst affected suburbs, which saw weeks of riots and car-burning a year ago, have expressed fears of a vicious circle, as attacks by locals lead the police to harden their tactics, further increasing resentment."
Swiss report possible threat against U.N. in Geneva
"GENEVA (Reuters) - Swiss authorities have informed the United Nations of a 'possible terrorist attack' against its European headquarters in Geneva, its biggest premises outside of New York, the world body said in a letter to staff on Thursday.
The attack could take place between October 5 and October 10., the letter said, without giving further details.
The letter encouraged staff to 'increase the level of alertness and to take special protection measures.' " Read more.
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China has beamed a ground-based laser at U.S. spy satellites over its territory, a U.S. agency said, in an action that exposed the potential vulnerability of space systems that provide crucial data to American troops and consumers around the world.
The Defense Department remains tight-lipped about details, including which satellite was involved or when it occurred." Continue reading.
Still Spending: Senate Set to Bust Budget Caps by $32 Billion
The Heritage Foundation
"Federal spending in 2006 is set to rise 9 percent, the largest increase since 1990 and enough to earn Congress near failing grades from the Heritage Foundation’s third quarter report card.[1] Most families facing steep new expenses would cut back on additional spending."
New IRS Data Show All Income Groups Have Seen Tax Liabilities Fall Since 2000
The Tax Foundation
"The IRS recently released official tax statistics by income group for the 2004 tax year, and the new data show that despite what some critics of recent tax policy have suggested, all income groups have witnessed their effective federal income tax rates fall, including lower- and middle-income taxpayers." More....
Coastal Protection Turned into Reefer Madness
By Dan Gainor
Off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, two million old tires are pounding into reefs, destroying the ecosystem and littering the shoreline. It’s an environmentalist catastrophe.
That’s right – environmentalist. This disaster might as well be sponsored by your favorite left-wing environmental group. Do-gooders launched this project back in 1972 to save the oceans, spawn fish and rid the earth of mountains of tires that posed health and fire hazards.
Only it didn’t quite work that way. Environmentalists and their usual fans in the media are whispering a collective “oops.” Read on.
There IS a difference...
—Investor’s Business Daily
A conservative civil liberties group has filed suit against a school in Greenbelt, Md., for violating the constitutional rights of a seventh-grader who was told not to read her Bible in school during lunchtime..."
"Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared yesterday that talks on forming a unity government with Hamas are dead, and visiting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the focus now should be on improving humanitarian conditions in the Palest"
"President Bush yesterday signed into law the annual homeland-security spending bill that provides the first down payment for 700 miles of fence along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Read more.
By Christopher G. Adamo
Amid the horrifying news of the past few days, Americans must remain focused on the threats that still loom over their country. To do otherwise is to invite the possibility that the recent horrors will be immeasurably compounded by another terrorist attack..."
By Ed Feulner
"If North Korea fired a long-range missile at the United States today -- like the one it test-fired this summer -- could we defend ourselves? Until recently, the answer would have been an unequivocal “no.” But that answer is changing as America moves, very slowly, toward deploying a missile-defense system…"
Federal Appellate Court: Law Center’s Legal Challenge to School District’s Ban on Christmas Music Can Proceed
Central America going "south"
Sandinistas Set for Comeback in Nicaragua: "When Nicaraguans go to the polls on Nov. 5 to elect their next president, they may end up choosing an old-time communist – who could win without even getting a majority of the votes.Also, don't forget how close the hard left, the socialists, came in Mexico in winning their most recent election over Vincentes Fox's more 'moderate' party. The domino theory has not been discarded into the waste bin of world history. It seems to be alive and well.
A victory by Daniel Ortega, whose brutal Sandinista rule in the Central American country ended 16 years ago, is a growing likelihood because of millions being pumped into his campaign by the stridently anti-U.S. Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.
Add to the mix indifference from the U.S. State Department, and Chavez and Cuban dictator Fidel Castro will have a new ally in their growing axis of anti-American states south of the border."
Mexico may challenge U.S. border fence at the United Nations
Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez told a news conference Wednesday that the proposal to put up what he called a wall was an 'offense.'
Asked if he would take the issue up with the United Nations, a step some Mexican lawmakers have called for, Derbez replied: 'Without a doubt, we are examining with the foreign relations legal team what options are open at an international level and we will take them.'
On Wednesday, Bush signed a homeland security funding bill that includes US$1.2 billion (€0.95 billion) for fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border to stop illegal immigrants and criminals sneaking over.
Outgoing President Vicente Fox has called the fence plan 'shameful' and compared it to the Berlin Wall. Fox has spent his six-year term lobbying for a new guest worker program and an amnesty for Mexicans working illegally in the United States." Read on.
Troops block Hezbollah supporters from border
The army stopped several busses carrying about 100 demonstrators, many of them children.
The army blocked the busses by parking armored vehicles in their path and informed the passengers that they were unauthorized to continue."
Curry commentary: Incredible forgiveness
She was carefully and lovingly dressing her girl in white, even putting the cotton in her nose.
All around the family watched, crying softly, even the little children, who listened as their grandfather told them not to hate the gunman who did this.
'Forgive,' he was instructing them... 'forgive, as God forgives us...'
Reverend Rob Schenck, called it the most powerful moment in all his 25 years as a minister." Read more.
Hat tip to Tampa Pirate.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
AKI - Rome,Italy
Beirut, 4 Oct. (AKI) - A top Hezbollah official who heads the Shiite movement's operations in southern Lebanon has said it aims to drive Israel out of two ...
Evening Bulletin - Philadelphia,PA,USA
... Council facilitated a cease-fire on the Israeli-Lebanese border, there was one promise given by the UN - that it would implement a process to disarm Hezbollah. ...
Historical Significance
The real world is not like that. It is messy, uncertain, and sometimes bloody and ugly. Always has been, and probably always will be.
The bottom line is that we will have to deal with Islamic terrorism until we defeat it, whenever that is. It will not go away if we ignore it.
If the US can create a reasonably democratic and stable Iraq, then we have an “England” in the Middle East, a platform, from which we can work to help modernize and moderate the Middle East. The history of the world is the clash between the forces of relative civility and civilization, and the barbarians clamoring at the gates. The Iraq war is merely another battle in this ancient and never-ending war. And now, for the first time ever, the barbarians are about to get nuclear weapons. Unless somebody prevents them." Read the rest here.
New York Democrat Billed Taxpayers for Phone Sex Call
Arcuri, running in New York’s 24th District against Republican Ray Meier, has spent the past 12 years as Oneida County’s district attorney. During that period, his annual expense reimbursements have skyrocketed. [From $763.70 in 1998 to $54,077.74 in 2005.]
A close examination of those expense reports reveals that Arcuri billed taxpayers in 2004 for a call to a phone-sex number. The phone number appears on Arcuri’s hotel bill. He was attending the New York State District Attorneys Association conference in New York City at the time."
By Robert B. Bluey. More at Human Events.
Crowd rallies to 'Boot Murtha'
"Larry Bailey might have been outranked -- but he wasn't intimidated -- by the retired generals who appeared Saturday at a rally in Johnstown to support U.S. Rep. John Murtha's re-election bid."
United Nations Human Rights Council Resolutions Condemn Only Israel, Diplomats Say
"UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Human Rights Council will end its second regular session this week by voting to pass two resolutions condemning Israel and may approve 'balanced' measures on other countries where human rights are violated, diplomats in Geneva said yesterday.
The council is expected to hear reports today by several envoys, known as 'rapporteurs,' who during the last session were sent on missions to Lebanon and Israel. The special rapporteur on the right to food, Jean Ziegler, will report only on the human rights situation in Lebanon; he did not even visit Israel on his trip to the region.
Last week, the rapporteur John Dugard issued a report to the council on the situation in Gaza. After Israel turned the area over to the Palestinian Arabs, it transformed Gaza into a 'prison,' he said. 'In other countries this process might be described as ethnic cleansing, but political correctness forbids such language where Israel is concerned,' he added.
Amnesty International, usually a critic of Israel, has chided members of the council for focusing on what it termed their 'narrow political objectives.' And Human Rights Watch has said the new council's 'one-sided approach' on the Israeli-Arab dispute is a 'blow to its credibility and an abdication of its responsibility to protect human rights for all.' "
Annan's financial form to be secret - World -
A spokesman said Mr. Annan submitted the questionnaire -- under a policy implemented in response to international outrage over U.N. involvement in the Iraq oil-for-food scandal -- on Sept. 22.
'The secretary-general has filed the forms,' Stephane Dujarric confirmed yesterday. But, he said, 'We will not be making it public.'
John R. Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, did not return a call asking about that decision, but other critics of the world body argued that the disclosure form should be made public."
The rest of the article can be read here at the
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
'Gay' activist held info about Foley
During campaign to 'out' lawmakers
said story would break before election
"A radical activist on a mission to 'out' conservative homosexual lawmakers and Capitol Hill staffers held on to information about Rep. Mark Foley's relationships with underage male pages, suggesting the story would break at the time of mid-term elections." Read more.
WOW! Now that's a lot of snorting material
But on Sunday, customs inspectors at the Hidalgo-Reynosa International Bridge found more than 500 pounds of cocaine on a private tour bus that a Latin Grammy-nominated musical group of clowns was riding."
Clowns always seem to have big smiles, big ears, and oh yes, big noses. I've always wondered how clowns always stayed so damn happy all the time.
With the the fallout of Hurricane Katrina last year, Bush said, "We have a very important mid-term election coming up and we cannot risk putting ourselves in a position where we unleash some hurricanes and then lose control of um' like we did last year with Katrina. I just misunderestimated the tenacity of Katrina. But 'ya know, that ther's a woman for ya."
Britain tells US: we don't want our Guantánamo nine back
"The United States has offered to return nearly all British residents held at Guantánamo Bay after months of secret talks in Washington, the Guardian has learned.
The British government has refused to accept the men, however, with senior officials saying they have no legal right to return. Documents obtained by the Guardian show US authorities are demanding that the detainees be kept under 24-hour surveillance if set free - restrictions that are dismissed by the British as unnecessary and unworkable."
New Website Incites Electronic Jihad
"This warning was just issued by the Jamestown Foundation:
The latest criticism of Islam being a violent religion, which was sparked by incendiary comments made by Pope Benedict XVI, has caused internet jihadis to launch a new website called Electronic Jihad, located at The purpose of the website is to help organize an electronic jihad against websites that insult Islam and Islamic sacred figures. The site has been well publicized on more established jihadi websites. Jihadi forums are posting quotes from the Quran in order to encourage and convince jihadis and regular Muslims of their duty to engage in electronic jihad and to attack anti-Islamic sites in order to shut them down. Furthermore, postings from August on the Electronic Jihad site already claim that they successfully shut down the Israeli website Thus, it seems that while street protests in response to Western criticism of Islam have died down in the Islamic world, the battle is still raging on the internet."
Commentary: United Nations As FARCE - The Post Chronicle
Socialism for the rich
For example, the 'open space' laws that have spread across the country to protect upscale communities represent one of the biggest collectivizations of land since the days of Josef Stalin.
Upscale residents say that they have a right to protect 'our community.' But not even the rich own the whole community.
They own what they paid for -- their own individual property. But they get the government to collectivize the often vastly larger surrounding property, in order to keep the unwashed masses from settling near them and spoiling their views."
Read the entire column written by Thomas Sowell.
Something has gone very wrong in Minnesota
Rep. Ellison first caught notice in Minnesota as a defender of gang leaders in Minneapolis and a local organizer for Louis Farrakhan’s Million Man March. He was a defender of Kathleen Soliah, recently convicted for her involvement in the assassination of a police officer while she was a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army. He is also a supporter of Mumia Abu Jamal and Assata Shakur, both convicted of killing police officers. Over the years, he has advocated racial separatism, reparations for slavery, and led chants at rallies proclaiming “no justice, no peace.”
In short, Ellison is nothing if not a radical."
By David Strom. Read it all here.
Korean wins a final poll for U.N. chief
Fourteen council members yesterday endorsed his candidacy in principle, while one unnamed nation offered 'no opinion.'
The vote is likely to take place Monday, council diplomats said yesterday.
'We have a lot of respect for Foreign Minister Ban,' said U.S. Ambassador John R. Bolton after yesterday afternoon's poll. 'We know him well from his service in Washington and think very highly of him professionally and personally.' " More at
U.S. wins a united front on Iran
The United States is confident that Russia and China will join it in pushing for U.N. sanctions against Iran if it does not agree to suspend enriching uranium this week, a senior U.S. official said yesterday.
United Nations is now `paper tiger'
Within the last few months, we have seen that the United Nations is now a 'paper tiger.' Its resolutions are ignored not only by large countries such as North Korea and Iran, but also by smaller ones such as Lebanon and Syria while little Israel has been chastized by U.N. leader Kofi Annan, who seems to favor oil-producing countries." Read more at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
Ha'aretz - Tel Aviv,Israel
"During the fighting in Lebanon, Hezbollah received direct intelligence support from Syria, using data collected by listening posts jointly manned by Russian ..."
Monday, October 02, 2006

Geez .... just how sloppy is the Democrat party and their minions?
"Imagine if Republicans paid people $9 an hour to register to vote people with fake addresses and the dead. Do you think AP would describe this as an “advocacy group” doing “sloppy work” with “volunteers”?
And yet the liberal ACORN group’s flood-the-field efforts in 2004 are described just that way out of Columbus, Ohio."
That same year (2004) Sandy "Sloppy Berger" was caught stuffing classified documents into his socks and into his pants.
"Upon investigation, Berger admitted that he had "made a mistake," and took them. Unfortunately, Berger says he "lost" some of the documents, but that he returned some of them after his the FBI searched his home. Amazingly, he even returned some documents that the Archive hadn't yet noted were missing! He apologized and said he had just been "sloppy." This, from the former "National Security" advisor to the previous President of the United States, and security advisor to the current Democratic candidate for president."
The "party of slop" should not be allowed to govern again until they clean themselves up.
"It is the Left's enduring philosophy that government exists to equalize economic outcomes through wealth redistribution. It is no accident that it took Bill Clinton three times to sign the welfare reform bill into law. Though they deny it, Democrats have a soft spot for socialism, and a distrust of capitalism that most often manifests itself in their hostility toward corporate America, which they tend to see as one big giant 'Enron.' "
U.S. to sell China sensitive tech
By F. Michael Maloof
"The U.S. Department of Energy is about to undertake a 'bait and switch' effort on sensitive nuclear detection technology that would end-run the U.S. export control system.
Under the plan, the United States would allow the sensitive technology to be exported to China, but then purchase the monitoring equipment from the Chinese. Some of this sensitive technology, however, is still under development.
A U.S. government source in a position to know confirms that the effect of selling China the technology also would allow re-export of the technology without U.S. permission.
The U.S. government source spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the Chinese technology acquisition effort that could end-run U.S. agencies charged with export control review."
This makes absolutely no sense to me. Why are we doing this? CHINA IS NOT OUR FRIEND. For crying out loud. Thank you sir. May I have another?
— Christopher Adamo
—Clifford May
Dumbing down democracy
The devil wore Hugo: Chavez upstaged Darfur crisis
New tunnel beneath N. Korean mountain eyed as nuke test site
Word of the tunnel comes from Chung Hyung-Keun, a member of the National Assembly’s intelligence committee. Chung, who belongs to the conservative Grand National Party, revealed the tunnel’s existence after returning from a trip to Washington in which he advised against transferring wartime control of South Korean troops from U.S. to Korean command.
Chung said the tunnel resembles sites of underground tests in Nevada, India and Pakistan. The vertical shaft, near a horizontal tunnel, is about twice the necessary depth — a possible precaution against atmospheric fallout." More.
Evidently Vanderbilt University's idea of a fair and balanced remembrance of September 11 is to invite nine liberal socialists to bash America for two hours and send everybody home holding their head in shame at being in fact - Americans. Continue reading.
Essay critical of Islam leaves teacher on run
Keep the United Nations's Hands Off the Internet
Israel Warns Hezbollah
'If Hezbollah approaches the frontier with arms and tries to reconstruct its infrastructure that we have destroyed, we will use all the means at our disposal to prevent this,' Halutz was quoted as saying.
The radio station added that Israel had moved more troops into positions along the northern border with Lebanon in order to gauge movements in south Lebanon." Full article.
The Little Known WMD Threat During The Second War in Lebanon
[bin Laden] the al Qaeda leader "is alive today"' because Clinton and his top lieutenants refused to kill him.
"It's just an incredible kind of situation for the American people over the weekend to hear their former president mislead them."
-- Michael Scheurer, the head of the CIA's bin Laden unit during the Clinton administration.
Robert Novak writes on this subject here.
Independent Lieberman Leads Dem Lamont Into October
The poll, conducted Sept. 21-25 and released on Sept. 28, found that 49 percent of likely voters favor the incumbent Lieberman over Democratic nominee and political newcomer Ned Lamont.
Lamont, a businessman with support from anti-war groups like, enjoys the support of 39 percent of Connecticut's likely voters, according to the poll.
The remaining voters are either undecided or said they favor Republican candidate Alan Schlesinger." Continue reading.
Group Insists Martin Luther King Was a Republican
The radio ad begins running in Florida on Monday. It has already run in Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Georgia, causing controversy among Democrats as well as Republicans.
According to the Associated Press, the U.S. Senate campaign of Maryland's Republican Lt. Gov. Michael Steele asked the NBRA to stop running the ad and called it 'insulting to Marylanders.'
The problem with the ad, according to Kevin Martin, a member of the conservative black leadership network Project 21, is not that the ad isn't factually true but that the NBRA is using a dead man to further its cause, something he said is a Democratic, not a Republican tactic." Continue reading.
Another contribution by Anotmo.
Hoist by Their Own Petard
If the Left is as convinced as they presume to be that only through cool headed talks and negotiations can serious conflicts be resolved, why do they continually attack the Right with inflamed rhetoric, carefully timed leaks of classified national security information, hate filled speech, and partisan obstruction of any and all Republican Executive and Legislative initiatives? Should there not be some Liberal out there somewhere cautioning his/her own that they need to sit down and sincerely negotiate with the Right?
Don’t they understand that the more they attack us the more determined we become? They are just creating more Republicans. There weren't any Republicans before. Now you find them virtually everywhere. You can even find the occasional Conservative, such as Mike Adams, in academia for seculars sake! Or is it their sense that, in this case, the enemy is so intransigent that talk is useless and preemptive strikes are the only remaining option open to them?
If the Left really believes that engaging in war with an enemy will only make the situation worse by increasing the number of enemy we must face, then they should withdraw from the public conflict with G.W. Bush and enter into negotiations with him. The Terrorists, then, would see their loss of the American Lefts support and its cooperation with the President as an obvious increase in the number of Americans lining up against them and, withdraw!
The elegance of this approach is that it accomplishes all that the Left could ever hope. To begin with, it would firmly establish the Lefts commitment to its own ideology; second, it would twice prove the veracity of that ideology as demonstrated in real world events; third, it would end the War in Iraq; and finally, in doing all of that it would have proven the means by which to end all wars forever!
All it takes is for the Left to commit its own conduct to the dictates of its own ideology. Surely there should be no concern that the Terrorists would do other than what the American Left would have us do in such circumstances? After all, they are just like us; normal everyday hard working people looking after their own best interests as well as they can in a threatening world. We would see that if we would only sit down and talk with them.
Never Again: The Moral Imperative for Toughness
By John Ashcroft
"The United States will suffer more terrorist attacks during this war with al Qaeda. They are fanatical, relentless, and patient. Their leadership is scattered, killed, or captured; their safe have in Afghanistan is destroyed; their command and control structure has disintegrated. We are now at war with a diffuse, loosely organized network, united and motivated by a hatred for our nation and our core values. They are fed spiritually by bin Laden, and thrive in our society on the basic liberties they loath. The advance of civilization has dispersed technology, information, and destructive capacity so thoroughly that their network easily exploits these advances for their cause. This network will hit us again when they can." More.
No comparison "with Rumsfeld"
That said, the DNC far left losers are always trying to undercut the man. Often, you'll hear the name chicken hawk tossed out of the mouth of seventy three year old (D) Congressman John Murtha...."
By Marie Jon'
(I mean no disrepect to you Ms. Jon', but "hubba hubba")
Now that I have mostly likely endeared myself to her as some sort of sexist pig, you can go read the rest of her article here.
Boot Murtha Rally Wrap-Up
"I attended the Boot Murtha rally against Congressman John P. Murtha in Johstown, PA today, and wanted to give a wrap-up for those of you that could not make it ..."
Sunday, October 01, 2006
West Virginia GOP senatorial candidate John Raese slapped back at Senator Robert Byrd’s reference to Raese’s deceased father in a West Virginia public television profile which aired Thursday night. In a transcript of the program obtained by the Raese campaign Thursday afternoon, Byrd says, “(Raese’s) father was my friend. I think his father would have been … somewhat ashamed. His father would be supporting me today I feel if he were alive.” Raese fired back, saying, “It is Senator Byrd who should be ashamed for smearing my father – and my family by extension – when he knows my father is deceased and cannot speak for himself. I am ...
National Poll: United Nations

In a recent poll, Rasmussen reports just 31% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the U.N.
Just 31% of American adults have a favorable opinion of the United Nations.
Those numbers reflect an erosion of support for the world body. Two years ago opinion was evenly divided.
Democrats have a positive attitude —48% favorable and 25% unfavorable. The GOP have just an 18% positive opinion. Independents have a favorability position of 25%.
Women are evenly divided while men hold an unfavorable opinion by a 2-to-1 margin.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty." -- John F. Kennedy
September 22, 2006
There he stood, a man with a captive audience of fellow anti-American neo-cons bent on one world government. His mission: to lay out the military and security integration of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The date: September 13, 2006. The place: Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta, Canada. The forum: a secret meeting of the powerful elite, a meeting that all of a sudden become not so secret. The man: Donald Rumsfeld, point puppet for the Bush administration’s planned integration known as the North American Union. This is serious government collusion behind the backs of the citizens of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It is government for the elite, not government representing the people.
The story was first leaked to Canadian freedom fighters. It did not make it into the mainstream Canadian press, but did appear in the local media. Our Canadian friends have supplied a complete list of attendees as well as the meeting agenda. This secret meeting came to my attention courtesy of John Hammell, president of the International Advocates for Health Freedom. Mr. Hammell has been following the planned North American Union very closely, especially as it relates to the destruction of health freedom in America. He is actively helping our Congressional leaders see the light and needs your support. Urgent action is needed by American citizens to stop this illegal shadow government.
Read the rest here.
I went to the game Friday night, and although they lost that night, it was a very exciting 9th inning.
It is unbelievable that they were able to win their division considering the slow start they got off to and being 8 games under .500 ball and 12 games out of 1st place. It has been a fun year.
Oh no. Oil is getting too cheap?
But analysts are divided as to why - and what might happen next.
Sunday October 1, 2006
The Observer
"Nothing spooks the markets like the oil price. The fear of running out, the threat of terrorism, panic over US house prices, all of these are built into that most volatile of sums: the price of a barrel. Now, after years of fretting over rising prices, traders and economists are finding reasons to shiver over its fall, and what it tells us about the global economy.
So last week, instead of worrying about confrontation between the US and Iran - concern that helped drive oil to a $78 August peak - the fears were of a nasty US slowdown, thanks in part to a crumpling housing market, that will undercut demand for crude. The price fell to $60, a six-month low.
Is that fall here to stay, and is it really a harbinger of economic doom? It depends whether what has happened in recent weeks is driven more by real changes or by the feverish speculation of traders."
Sen. Barack Obama: GOP Strategy is 'Fear'
Sen. Barack Obama: GOP Strategy is 'Fear': "Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, a potential presidential candidate for 2008, called on Democrats to embrace the national security debate in the campaign's closing weeks.Ahhhhh... yes. The ol' "tougher, better, and smarter plan". No matter what the issue, this is their solution. Could you be a little more specific, you disgusting, wining, obstructing, pathetic appeasers.
'I am happy to have a national security debate with the Republican Party,' Obama said Saturday during his second visit in two weeks to Iowa, which traditionally opens the presidential nominating season. 'What we need is a tough and smart national security agenda.'"