By David Limbaugh
Friday, April 13, 2007
By David Limbaugh
By Lorie Byrd
"I've never understood why people listen to smart-aleck jerks on trash radio like Don Imus and Howard Stern who get paid a lot of money to say nothing of substance but say it in a pseudo-clever, hyper-cynical, juvenilely outrageous way.
But I sure am enjoying watching him squirm. This is great karma. His public persona, with the phony cowboy hat, the gravel voice, the wrinkled glower, was of a super tough guy, as tough as say, the British Royal Marines. Turns out he's as much of a surrender pussy as they are.
Imus should exchange his cowboy hat for a dhimmi head scarf like that worn by Pelosi Galore or Limey sailorwoman Faye Turney to best signify his submission to the gods of political correctness.
Now, if that's all this teapot tempest is, yet another example of bottomless PC hypocrisy and Al Sharpton's unceasing effort to prey on white guilt, it'll soon be replaced by the next media frenzy.
The real question is whether the Imus scandal will wreck the presidential candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr."
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-- Alexander Hamilton (Federalist No. 21, 1787)
This is the part the high-taxation Democrats just don't get.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
By: Christopher G. Adamo
When Americans become too overwhelmed to even express dismay at any one particular outrage being perpetrated by the Democrats, it is time to step back and examine the “bigger picture.” In the wake of Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to the Middle East, America clearly finds itself at just such a juncture. Ultimately, this situation and its diplomatic consequences, abominable though they may be, should not be treated as an isolated example from a madcap leftist fringe. Rather, they should be considered in the context of liberalism’s long-standing assault on the American ideal.
( - Leading Democratic proponents of setting a timetable for pulling troops out of Iraq have refused to meet with the father of a dead soldier who believes a withdrawal would mean his son’s life was “wasted.”
Limited Iraq Mission Would be ‘Impossible’ to Carry Out, Top Soldier Says
( – Sen. Hillary Clinton says U.S. troops in Iraq should no longer be used to protect Iraqis caught up in sectarian strife, but the most senior American enlisted soldier in Iraq believes it would be “impossible” to limit the mission along those lines...
U.S.–Made Mess in Somalia
The Independent Institute
The media often report overseas developments, but don’t always explore their underlying causes, which, in many cases, conveniently lets the U.S. government off the hook. The recent internecine violence in Somalia provides a classic example.
The U.S. media have focused to date almost exclusively on the rising Islamist movement in Somalia and U.S. “covert” assistance to the Ethiopian invasion that supported Somalia’s transitional government against the stronger Islamists. The media should be focusing on one of the major causes of the Somali mess: U.S. government meddling. Read more....
Ann Coulter echoes sentiments of HeavyHanded
That is what I said here.
Not Unexpectedly, CBS follows in footsteps of MSNBC
CBS bows to the pressure as $harpton and Jack$on try to establish themselves as the final arbiters of what constitutes "acceptable" speech.
- - John Adams
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Business & Media Institute
Vanity Fair Tells Conservatives to Go to Hell: "Vanity Fair wants to doom conservatives and businesses to the many layers of Dante’s hell for daring to question global warming dogma."
Media Amnesia Strikes on AMT Reform
How High Can You Stand for Your Taxes to Go?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I have not commented on this yet and I do not intend to give it much of my attention either. I intend on making a couple of points since it is so "newsworthy" and then let it die a peaceful death - for now at least.
What he said was mean spirited, stupid, and insensitive.
I repeat: what he said was mean spirited, stupid, and insensitive.
Having said that, all that he is required to do is give an apology, a heart-felt apology to the Rutger's girls basketball team ONLY.
They can choose to accept it - or not.
In addition, there should NOT be ONE member of the team that is hurt, crushed, or in any way be adversely affected by what this idiot said. We cannot as human beings, allow ourselves to give this much power to someone over our own self esteem.
And that brings me to another principle of liberalism:
To be a good liberal you have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
If you have worked hard to achieve things in life and you have proven yourself to yourself, and to others that are important to you, you will have earned your self-esteem and no matter what some crotchety old man says - it will not matter to you at all. You have the power. Don't give it up to someone else.
By Jon Sanders
By Thomas Sowell
By David Limbaugh
By Dennis Prager
Monday, April 09, 2007
The woman second in line for the presidency (after Vice President Dick Cheney) seemed to believe she was on a Henry Kissinger-like shuttle diplomacy mission from Jerusalem to Damascus........
—Thomas Sowell
—Frank Salvato
By Chuck Muth
One of the more egregiously misnamed bills in the history of Congress has got to be the “Employee Free Choice Act,” a measure which is neither pro-employee nor a free choice. What it really does is allow union bosses to force employers to recognize a union as the workforce’s bargaining agent without the hassle of a supervised, secret ballot election. But to show how this bill is really all about boosting sagging membership numbers and nothing about the average American worker, consider some of the amendments offered by Republicans during debate over the bill in the House…
Russian Lawmakers Say U.S. Missile Defense Plans Could Re-divide Europe -- 04/06/2007
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Growing nuclear threat
"WASHINGTON -- According to the British counter-intelligence group MI-5, over 360 private companies, university departments, and government organizations in eight countries, including Israel, Syria, Pakistan, Iran, India, Egypt, the Pakistani High Commission in London, and the United Arab Emirates, have been procuring nuclear technology and equipment for use in nuclear weapons construction."
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This picture is of Seattle Mariners second baseman Jose Lopez getting up after sliding head first in the snow at Jacobs Field, Sunday, April 8, 2007, in Cleveland. For the second day in a row, snow and cold weather forced a doubleheader between the Seattle Mariners and Cleveland Indians to be postponed. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)
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"Who?s Buying 'The Secret'?
Ever heard of the 'Law of Attraction?' If not, your friends and neighbors probably have. It is the central message of Rhonda Byrne?s book, The Secret--now the top selling book in America. Byrne's book centers on her teaching that every object and mind in the universe operates at a certain frequency. Tune your mind to the object you desire, and it will be attracted to you.
Why? Because you are the center of the universe. 'You are God in a physical body,' she writes. 'You are spirit in the flesh. You are Eternal Life expressing itself as You. You are a cosmic being. You are all power. You are all wisdom. You are all intelligence. You are perfection. You are magnificence.'
Americans seem to have a particular attraction to these positive thinking philosophies. Does anyone actually believe this stuff? Well someone is buying the book."
I couldn't help but chuckle when I read this. I immediately thought of old poor Dan Rather when he was attacked on Park Avenue in October of 1986 and one of his assailants, according to Rather, said "Kenneth, what is the frequency?"
Sunday, April 08, 2007
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Democrats back away from Iraq troops withdrawal demand
Washington Post --
For the second straight weekend, top Senate Democrats shrunk further away from core principles they had set out in the Iraq war debate, signaling Sunday that they were prepared to drop a timetable mandating the withdrawal of US troops, should President ...
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Corruption Trial for Former Tennessee State Senator John Ford Set to Begin Monday
"MEMPHIS, Tenn. — As one of Tennessee's most powerful state senators, John Ford bragged that he would have little trouble getting a new law passed to benefit a computer recycling company.
However, the company turned out to be part of an undercover sting operation set up by the FBI, and he was charged with bribery, extortion and threatening a government witness.
'You are talking to the guy who makes the deals,' a federal indictment quotes Ford as saying to an FBI agent posing as a dishonest businessman seeking legislative favors.
Ford, 64, is one of five current or former state lawmakers charged in the investigation. He is accused of taking $55,000 in bribes from E-Cycle Management, which supposedly was in the business of buying and reselling used government computers.
Jurors will hear several secretly recorded tapes of Ford's conversations with undercover agents and see at least two video clips showing him stuffing his pockets with cash.
Ford, a Democrat who represented his Memphis district for 31 years, is a member of one of Tennessee's most politically active families. His nephew is Harold Ford Jr., a former congressman and U.S. Senate candidate; his brother is Harold Ford Sr., who represented Memphis in the U.S. House for 22 years."
It's time to take him out ....long overdue, actually
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